Kada su u pitanju frizure, i u 2020. godini neke će stvari ostati iste pa će bob i dalje biti jednako popularan.

Ta frizura popularna je među zvijezdama, a rado je biraju žene diljem svijeta jer pristaje (gotovo) svima i jednostavna je za održavanje.

Naravno, svaka sezona donese neku novu inačicu boba koja se izdvoji kao popularnija od drugih, a u 2020. godini to će biti kovrčavi, odnosno valoviti bob.

Frizer slavnih Jay Birmingham potvrdio je da će popularnost boba u 2020. i dalje biti jako velika jer duga kosa jednostavno više nije toliko zanimljiva. Dodao je da će se u nadolazećem razdoblju nositi "neuredan", chic bob koji je istovremeno razigran, ali i ženstven.

Naravno, oni koji imaju prirodno kovrčavu ili valovitu kosu imat će najlakši posao prilikom postizanja ovog izgleda, ali i za one s ravnom kosom postoje opcije, a jedna od njih je uvijač za kosu.

Prilikom uvijanja kose uzimajte pramenove različitih debljina i izmjenjujte smjer kovrča kako bi konačni rezultat bio razigran i očaravajući.

Za dugu kosu: Napravite sami najtraženije i najjednostavnije svečane frizure Valovita kosa - 2 Valovita kosa - 6 Valovita kosa - 7 +9 Valovita kosa - 5

Zaključno, bob je frizura koja godinama ne silazi s trona popularnosti, a ništa se neće promijeniti ni u nadolazećem razdoblju. Radi se o bezvremenskom klasiku koji je istovremeno jednostavan, elegantan i šik, a ako želite da uvijek izgleda besprijekorno, nemojte preskakati odlaske frizeru.

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“How do you get your curls like that?” Probably the number one question I’m asked about my hair when I’m out and about. And to be honest, it’s still hard to get used to since I spent most of my adult life just trying to tame it. Straighteners were my best friend. But I had to go through a lot of trial and error, to get to where my hair is now. ⚡️So here are my top tips on taming your natural curl⚡️ 1️⃣ Get some decent products. Ditch the silicones and sulfates among other things. But these two are the worst for curly hair. Because sulfates are the harsh detergents in shampoos. They give you that nice lather, but it’s stripping your natural oils and drying your hair out. Silicones, are basically plastics. They are hidden in tons of hair products to give you added shine to make your hair appear healthy, but it really just coats your hair because they’re not water soluble. And they suffocate your hair and scalp, not allowing nutrients or moisture in. Which curls especially need. 2️⃣ You gotta quit the heat styling. At least for a while. Because think about it, every time you use heat, you’re training your curls to go against their natural pattern. If you’ve been doing this a while, you’ll have to retrain your natural pattern. 3️⃣ Deep conditioning treatments. Curls typically need more moisture (aka oils) than other hair types. So conditioners and hair masques are important. Not all oils are created equal though, and most will just sit on top your hair. Find one that nourishes at the same time. 4️⃣ Ditch the terry cloth towels, and sleep with a silk pillowcase. Microfiber towels or a soft T-shirt will work much better to dry your hair. Google “plopping” this drying technique will lessens frizz and restore your natural curl pattern. And silk will cause less friction (causing less frizz and breakage), and won’t absorb your natural oils while you sleep. 5️⃣ Have patience. It’s a process getting your hair healthy again. And no two curls are exactly alike, so there may be some trial and error at the beginning. But once you figure out what works, then people will be commenting and asking you how you get your curls that way 😊 Have more questions? Send me a DM!

A post shared by Dynae Levingston (@dynaelevingston) on


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